You might think that the epic-selfie is a thing of the 2010’s, in our technology-crazed social world, however the truth is that the selfie dates back to the early 1800’s when artists would paint themselves from a mirror image. Scientists validate the selfie, depicting it as humans need to connect with others, and receive acceptance from their peers.
The next time you go to take a selfie, consider these tips and tricks to take the perfect shot.
Be still – If you need to, place your hand on a ledge or flat surface to steady your hand. The more shaky you are, the fuzzier the photo becomes.
Don’t use the reverse camera – Using the reverse cam makes your photos totally fuzzy and pixelated. Do your best to use the regular camera on your cell.
Be aware of your background – Believe it or not, you laundry, dirty dishes or random messes around your house can ruin your selfie. No, people aren’t just looking at your smiling face. Don’t let a mess be your photo bomb.
Watch your angles – Selfies work back head on or from the side. Try to steer away from the “hold up as high as possible” angle shot or the “way too up-close-and-personal” shot. You want to try to get your head and shoulders in the shot, at least.
Avoid awkward places – We all know that the bathroom in your house has the best mirror, however it’s terribly awkward to see that selfie in your bathroom or your car driver’s seat. Make your selfie scenery worth it.